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DCG Courses & Workshops Q1 2024 Training Flipbook

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EMPOWERENGAGEEXCELdanielscommunicationsglobal.com941.681.8289876.546.502010530 Campus Way S, Largo, MD1230 Providence Dr, Montego Bay, Jamaica

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DESCRIPTIONIn today's fast-paced and ever-changing work landscape, the ability to collaborateeffectively and tap into creative thinking is essential for success. This four-hour onlinecourse is designed for individuals who aspire to enhance their teamwork skills, promoteinnovation, and create an environment that encourages the free flow of ideas. FOSTERING COLLABORATION AND CREATIVITYIN THE WORKPLACEQuestionsExtrasCourse includes acomplimentary 20-minute Coachingsession.Team leaders and managers seeking to improve team collaboration.Entrepreneurs and business owners looking to foster innovation.Professionals aiming to enhance their collaboration skills.Cost$99.00 USD includesthe course, materials,handouts, and anyextras. Ywww.dcleadershiptraining.comWHO SHOULD ATTENDHave something toask, contact us at941.681.8289 or876.546.5020.Understanding CollaborationBuilding a Collaborative CultureUnleashing CreativityPractical ApplicationEarly birds catch the collaboration and creativity wave! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER, to secure yourspot. Take advantage of our special early registration discount.COURSE OUTLINE

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DESCRIPTIONAre you ready to transform the way you approach change, navigate challenges, and makestrategic choices in your professional life? Join our dynamic online instructor-led course,"Navigating Change, Challenges, and Choices," for a transformative four-hour experiencethat will empower you to thrive in today's ever-evolving business landscape.NAVIGATING CHANGE, CHALLENGES, AND CHOICESExtrasCourse includes acomplimentary 20-minute Coachingsession.Team leaders and managers seeking to improve team collaboration.Entrepreneurs and business owners looking to foster innovation.Professionals aiming to enhance their collaboration skills.Cost$99.00 USD includesthe course, materials,handouts, and anyextras. Ywww.dcleadershiptraining.comWHO SHOULD ATTENDQuestionsHave something toask, contact us at941.681.8289 or876.546.5020.Expert Guidance: Facilitated by a seasoned professional in change management.Interactive Learning: Engage in real-world case studies, practical exercises, and interactivediscussions to apply concepts directly to your professional challenges.Strategic Decision-Making: Uncover the secrets behind making informed and strategic choices,drawing inspiration from the timeless wisdom of "Who Moved My Cheese." CLICK HERE TO REGISTERCOURSE HIGHLIGHTS

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Managers Team LeadersHuman ResourcesProfessionalsWHO SHOULD ATTENDDESCRIPTIONEmpower your team with a culture of accountability through our comprehensive half-dayonline course where we dive into QBQ! personal accountability and individualresponsibility to help professionals understand how to See It, Own It, and Solve It! EMPLOYEE ACCOUNTABILITY: INSIGHTS FROM "QBQ! THE QUESTION BEHIND THEQUESTION" AND "THE OZ PRINCIPLE"ExtrasCourse includes acomplimentary 20-minute Coachingsession.Cost$99.00 USD includesthe course, materials,handouts, and anyextras. Ywww.dcleadershiptraining.comQuestionsHave something toask, contact us at941.681.8289 or876.546.5020.Defining the QBQ Concept.The Power of Asking the Right Questions.Ownership and Action.Strategies for taking ownership of one's role.Case studies on the positive outcomes of personal responsibility.Understanding the See It, Own It, Solve It, Do It framework.Applying the Oz Principle to enhance team accountability. CLICK HERE TO REGISTERCOURSE HIGHLIGHTS

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C O U R S E Q U E S T I O NS O L U T I O N SAs the project manager leading a team ofdevelopers on a tight deadline for a newsoftware release. One of your team membershas been consistently missing deadlines anddelivering subpar work. You notice that heseems overwhelmed and stressed wheneveryou do a check-in. You suspect that theremight be underlying issues causing hisperformance to suffer, but you also need toensure that the project stays on track. How do you engage the situation as anemotionally intelligent leader?5 B E N E F I T SEnroll in this course to better understand:o How emotional intelligence impacts yourprofessional development.o What are the core skills that makeup EQ? o What EQ looks like in action using clipsfrom movies and workplace scenarios.o How EQ can impact your job performanceand contribute to career success.ExtrasCourse includes acomplimentary 20-minute Coachingsession.Cost$99.00 USD includesthe course, materials,handouts, and anyextras. www.dcleadershiptraining.comQuestionsHave something toask, contact us at941.681.8289 or876.546.5020. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER1) Self-Awareness: Understandingone's own emotions, strengths,weaknesses, values, and motivations.2) Social Awareness: Developingempathy and understanding ofothers' emotions, perspectives, andneeds.3) Self-Regulation: The ability tomanage and regulate one's ownemotions effectively. 4) Relationship Management:Learning how to build and maintainhealthy relationships in both personaland professional settings..5) Leadership Skills: Inspire andmotivate others, foster teamwork,and navigate complex interpersonaldynamics.

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Join our insightful course, "Decisive Leadership,"as we unravel the intricacies of effective decision-making. Guided by principles from influentialbooks like "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by DanielKahneman. This course equips managers withstrategies, tools, and techniques to master the artof decision-making, advancing business strategywith clarity and confidence.D E C I S I V E L E A D E R S H I P : W H O H A S T H E ‘ D ”WHO SHOULD ATTENDSupervisors and Team LeadersMiddle and Senior ManagersDecision-Makers in BusinessLeaders Seeking EnhancedDecision-Making SkillsW H Y E N R O L L ? Foundations of Decision-Making 1. 2. Business Strategy and Decision-MakingDive into the intricacies of decision-making processes.Explore concepts from "Thinking, Fastand Slow."Learn how decisive leadership shapesstrategic planning.Analyze successful business strategiesfrom industry giants.3. The Psychology of It All plus Effective Strategies·A Look at the “Predictably, Irrational”·Decision MatrixO B J E C T I V E🚀 Master Decision-Making Strategies 🌐 Advance Business Strategy with Confidence 🔍 Insights from Influential BooksQuestionsHave something toask, contact us at941.681.8289 or876.546.5020.ExtrasCourse includes acomplimentary 20-minute Coachingsession.Cost$99.00 USD includesthe course, materials,handouts, and anyextras. CLICK HERE TO

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QuestionsHave something toask, contact us at941.681.8289 or876.546.5020.ExtrasCourse includes acomplimentary 20-minute Coachingsession.Cost$99.00 USD includesthe course, materials,handouts, and anyextras. www.dcleadershiptraining.comC R I T I C A L T H I N K I N G A N D P R O B L E M - S O L V I N GOvercoming the challenges associated withcritical thinking and problem-solving in businessstrategy requires a multifaceted approach thatinvolves creating a supportive organizationalculture, promoting open communication, andproviding ongoing training. Here you will learnhow to overcome challenges that can impedeeffectiveness and develop solutions thatcontribute to successful strategic initiatives. WHO SHOULD ATTENDSupervisors and Team LeadersMiddle and Senior ManagersProfessionals eeking EnhancedCritical Thinking and Problem-Solving SkillsW H A T T O E X P E C TC O U R S E O B J E C T I V ECLICK HERE TO REGISTERExplore how critical thinking can beintricately woven into business strategy,transforming you into a strategic thinkingpowerhouse.Learn to align critical thinking principleswith overarching business goals, ensuring aharmonious integration into your leadershipstrategy.Challenge cognitive biases affectingdecision-making and strategies to improvedecision-making processes.Equip yourself with problem-solvingtechniques designed for real-world businesssuccess.

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TraditionalistsBRIDGING THE GENERATIONAL GAP: FINDING COMMON GROUND IN THE WORKPLACE In this interactive workshop, participants will embark on a journey to explore theintricacies of multigenerational workplaces, uncovering strategies to bridge thegeneration gap and cultivate a harmonious and thriving work environment. Enjoyengaging discussions, case studies, and practical exercises.ExtrasCourse includes acomplimentary 45-minute Coachingsession.Cost$189 USD includesthe course, materials,and extras. CLICKHERE TO REGISTER.www.dcleadershiptraining.comQuestionsHave something toask, contact us at941.681.8289 or876.546.5020.Baby Boomers Generation X Millennials Generation ZNurture techniques tailored to the preferences andcommunication styles of different generations, including face-to-face interactions, emails, instant messaging, and virtualmeetings.Recognizing and Appreciating Differences:Effective Communication Strategies:You will learn to recognize and appreciate the uniquecharacteristics, strengths, and perspectives of each generation,fostering empathy and mutual respect.Building Multigenerational Teams:Discover strategies for building cohesive and high-performingteams composed of members from diverse generations,leveraging each individual's strengths and skills to achievecommon goals.Creating a Culture of Inclusion and Collaboration:Encourage cross-generational knowledge-sharing and mentorshipinitiatives to facilitate skill development, knowledge transfer, andprofessional growth across the organization.

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Imagine a workplace where every conversation has the power to ignite inspiration,drive performance, and foster growth. In our fast-paced workshop on Powerful andImpactful Performance Conversations, you'll embark on a transformative journey tounlock the secrets to leading with impact, influence, and authenticity.ExtrasCourse includes acomplimentary 45-minute Coachingsession.Cost$189 USD includesthe course, materials,and extras. CLICKHERE TO REGISTER. www.dcleadershiptraining.comQuestionsHave something toask, contact us at941.681.8289 or876.546.5020.Master the art of building trust-based relationships with yourteam members, fostering open,,constructive communication andcollaboration, and achieving ahigh-performing, culture thathas as its focus accountabilityand engagement. WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU?BUILD TRUST ANDENGAGEMENTDrive Results: Learn how to setclear expectations, provideconstructive feedback, and alignindividual your organization'sgoals with business objectivesto drive measurable results andachieve peak performance.INSPIRE GROWTH ANDDEVELOPMENTLearn how to navigate difficultconversations, address teammember performance gaps, andinspire positive change whilealso maintaining a supportiveand constructive approach.LEAD CHANGE EFFECTIVELYExplore strategies for recognizingand celebrating achievements,fostering a growth mindset, andcreating opportunities for learningand development continuously.

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🔑Strengthen Relationships: Learn how to build strong, collaborativerelationships with your supervisor, direct reports, and colleagues, fostering trust,respect, and open communication.🚀 Drive Performance: Master the art of setting clear goals, providing feedback,and coaching your team members to achieve peak performance and exceedexpectations.💼 Navigate Complexity: Develop strategies for navigating organizational politics,managing competing priorities, and driving change effectively in a dynamic andever-evolving work environment.🎯 Influence with Impact: Acquire the skills and confidence needed to influence decisions, drive alignment, and inspire action across different levels of the organization.🌟 Lead with Authenticity: Discover your unique leadership style and learn how to lead with authenticity, integrity, and empathy, inspiring trust and loyalty among your team members.www.dcleadershiptraining.comMANAGING FROM THE MIDDLECOURSE OVERVIEWWHAT MAKES THIS COURSE GREAT!In today's complex and rapidly evolving business landscape, mastering the middleis more critical than ever. As a middle manager, you serve as a bridge betweensenior leadership and frontline employees, translating vision into action anddriving results that propel your organization forward. Join us for an empoweringworkshop designed to equip you with the tools, strategies, and confidenceneeded to navigate the complexities of working effectively with both yoursupervisor and direct reports.QuestionsHave something to ask,contact us at 941.681.8289 or876.546.5020.ExtrasCourse includes a private 45-minute Coaching session.Cost$189 USD includes the course, materials, and extras.CLICK HERE TO REGISTER..

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Human Resource Leaders Training Professionalswww.dcleadershiptraining.comKEY LEARNING OBJECTIVESUnderstand the fundamentals of artificialintelligence and its applications in the workplace.Explore real-world case studies and best practicesfor strategic AI integration.Learn practical techniques for implementing AI-driven solutions in HR, training, and performancemanagement.LEARNING HIGHTLIGHTSDiscover how AI can streamline recruitmentprocesses, enhance employee engagement,and optimize talent management practices.Unlock the potential of AI-powered learningplatforms to deliver personalized trainingexperiences and improve performancemanagement.Explore cutting-edge AI analytics tools for data-driven decision-making and predictive insights.Gain hands-on experience with AI-drivenperformance evaluation tools and virtualcoaching platforms to drive employeedevelopment and productivity.WORKSHOP OVERVIEWAre you ready to revolutionize yourworkplace and propel your careerto new heights? Join our one-day This course is perfect forprofessionals across all industries,including HR managers, training anddevelopment professionals, businessleaders, and anyone interested inleveraging AI to drive organizationalsuccess.Utilizing AI in the Workplace: Enhance Business Objectivesand Boost EmployeePerformancecourse on Utilizing AI in the Workplaceand discovering how artificialintelligence can transform businessoperations and supercharge employeeperformance. Don't miss out on thisopportunity to gain cutting-edge skillsand stay ahead in today's competitivelandscape.WHO SHOULD ATTENDExtrasCourse includes a complimentary 45-minute Coaching session.Cost$189 USD includes the course, materials,and extras. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. QuestionsHave something to ask, contact usat 941.681.8289 or 876.546.5020.

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EMPOWERENGAGEELEVATEELEVATEwww.danielscommunicationsglobal.com941.681.8289 | 876.566.6495 Contact Us send